Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship

Sangha Recordings 

Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening

Regarding the incomplete footnote on page 11 of – Shiva Sutras the Supreme Awakening. Anāśritaśiva is that state of Shiva where universal existence is excluded from his own nature because of the apprehension that universality will lessen the consciousness and bliss of His own nature. This state of Anāśritaśiva is explained in more detail in the second paragraph on page 97 (sutra 2.7 commentary) where it is related to the word ūnatā (lit., lessening).

First Awakening
Second Awakening
Third Awakening
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Third Awaking

Session # 47 - ongoing

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Additional Materials:

First Awakening
Second Awakening
Third Awakening
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(video recorded on Shiva Rock in Kashmir, where the Shiva Sutras were revealed to Vasugupta)

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