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Universal Shaiva Fellowship

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The teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo are based on Kashmir Shaivism, a centuries old tradition that is still relevant today. The philosophy is based on the belief that there is only one reality, which is pure consciousness. The goal of Kashmir Shaivism is to realize one's true nature. If you wish to follow this path, scroll down and explore practices you can integrate into your daily life. These teachings are your own story. Welcome yourself home and progress at your own pace.

"I hope these enduring teachings will resonate with you and fill your life with the same joy and peace they have given to me, my family and so many others."

— John Hughes, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Lakshmanjoo Academy

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“God and the individual are one. To realize this is the essence of Kashmir Shaivism."

—Swami Lakshmanjoo

Swami Lakshmanjoo
Lakshmanjoo Academy educates the public and academic community on the teachings of the venerable Shaiva Master Swami Lakshmanjoo (1907-1991) by making available his translations and commentaries of the ancient classic texts of Kashmir Shaivism. Lakshmanjoo Academy is a branch of the nonprofit, Universal Shaiva Fellowship, which is dedicated to the devotional aspect of the teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo with a special focus on his annual Birthday and Mahasamadhi Celebrations.
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New! Four Week Online Course: Meditation in Kashmir Shaivism – Basics of Seated Meditation

This free, four-part meditation course is was created both for individuals who are new to meditation and for those who wish to refresh and deepen their existing practice. These teachings provide a clear and structured foundation in seated meditation according to Kashmir Shaivism and Swami Lakshmanjoo.

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Five Part Video Series: Paramāthasāra: Essence of the Supreme Reality

Swami Lakshmanjoo, the fully realized philosopher saint of the long concealed and secret tradition known as Kashmir Shaivism, translates and illuminates Abhinavagupta's Paramarthasara. Originally a work of Patanjali, Abhinavagupta chose to revise and update this treatise in order to reveal the profundities of the Trika Shaivite doctrine.

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18 Chapter Video Series: Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism

Recorded by​ John and Denise Hughes in 1990, this was one of the last works ​that ​Swami Lakshmanjoo, the distinguished philosopher/saint ​of Kashmir Shaivism, completed before leaving this world. This new revelation was an outpouring of Swami Lakshmanjoo's direct experience of the state of Universal God Consciousness.

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Online Course: Selected Verses of 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra

Join us for this course and analyze the unique ‘means’ (upāyas) of meditation used in Kashmir Shaivism, and experience meditations that expand your awareness by illuminating important subtleties revealed by these unique upāyas.

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Online Course: Grace on the Spiritual Path

This four-part course examines the concept of "grace" in Kashmir Shaivism and features recordings of  Swami Lakshmanjoo's lectures attended by John and Denise Hughes. George Barselaar, also a close disciple of Swami Lakshmanjoo, joins the Hughes for this fascinating course.

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The teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo are based on Kashmir Shaivism, a centuries old tradition that is still relevant today. The philosophy is based on the belief that there is only one reality, which is pure consciousness. The goal of Kashmir Shaivism is to realize one's true nature. If you wish to follow this path, scroll down and explore practices you can integrate into your daily life. These teachings are your own story. Welcome yourself home and progress at your own pace.


"I hope these enduring teachings will resonate with you and fill your life with the same joy and peace they have given to me, my family and so many others."

John Hughes 
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Lakshmanjoo Academy

“God and the individual are one. To realize this is the essence of Kashmir Shaivism."

Swami Lakshmanjoo

Lakshmanjoo Academy, a branch of the nonprofit Universal Shaiva Fellowship, educates the public and academic community on the teachings of the venerable Shaiva Master Swami Lakshmanjoo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Go to course

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