Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship

Searched: "paramarthasara"

Showing 5 Results:

What are the qualifications of Parabhairava?

This excerpt is a very important lecture on the qualification of Parabhairava, as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo in the Essence of the Supreme Reality: Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara verses 10-13.       भारूपं परिपूर्णं स्वात्मनि विश्रान्तितो महानन्दम्  । इच्छासंवित्करणैर् निर्भरितम् अनन्तश...

When His Spanda overflows and He creates this World again

Swami Lakshmanjoo explains what happens when differentiated perception is totally destroyed, His spanda overflows and He creates this world again. This is an excerpt from Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara, The Essence of the Highest Reality, by Swami Lakshmanjoo. Now also available as video on de...

"Go on remembering God and He will carry you."

In this excerpt from the Essence of the Supreme Reality: Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara, Swami Lakshmanjoo reminds us that “No matter what happens, go on remembering God and He will carry you.” Watch the whole video series on demand, also available as hardcover book, paperback and ebook. ...

How we have become limited being - in Kashmir Shaivism

A clear and unique explanation of the much-discussed term “maya” (illusion) in the light of Kashmir Shaivism as Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals to us how we have become limited being. This is an excerpt from Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara: The Essence of the Highest Reality. View on YouTube or lis...

To attain Liberation the starting point is the ending point

In this excerpt from the Essence of the Supreme Reality, Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara Swami Lakshmanjoo explains why in order to attain Moksha (Liberation) the starting point of the journey is the ending point.   View on YouTube   PS DVD 3 (00:52:47) मोक्षस्य नैव किंचिद् धामास्ति, न चा...

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