Swamiji explains why:
“Yogis understand that it is only a trick, there is no time.” ~Swami Lakshmanjoo
This is the 12th and 13th verse of the Bodhapañcadaśikā by Abhinavagupta, who wrote the [15 Verses of Wisdom] for ‘those dear devotees who are not intellectually inclined”.
तत्प्रासादरसादेव गुर्वागमत एव वा ।
शास्त्राद्वा परमेशस्य यस्मात्कस्मादुपागतम् ॥१२
tat-prāsāda-rasādeva gurvāgamata eva vā /
śāstrādvā parameśasya yasmāt kasmad-upāgatam // 12 //
Tat prāsāda, now ...

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Swami Lakshmanjoo compiled what he considered to be the most important verses from the various scriptures that he had studied throughout his life. Swamiji tells us: “They are for your daily recitation. Maybe sometime you will experience these stages.”

Swami Lakshmanjoo
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All Categories 13th chapter 6th sloka abhinavagupta abhinavagupta’s bhairava stotra abhinavagupta’s paramarthasara abhinavagupta’s tantraloka abhyasa abhyāsa active effort active meditation adhvans advaita aghora aghora mantra anger antar bahir antarālīna tattvaughaṁ anugrāhakam anupāya awareness ātyaśata badhya bhagavad gita bhagavad gītā bhagavad gītā bhairava bhairavi bhakti bhaktyā bhaṭṭa nārāyaṇa bhaṭṭa nārāyaṇa bindu bliss bodhapañcadaśikā bondage bondages born anew brahma karma samādhi brahmānanda brahmā breath cid ghana cidānanda citi conciousness consciousness creative energy cycle daily recitation darkness and light desire devas devi stotra devotion dhāraṇā dhāraṇā 31 disciple divine glory dīkṣa dvaita vikalpe galite dvādaśānta elements energy etat yonīni extroverted fife acts fifteen ślokas five heads five senses fivefold contacts fullness gāyatrī mantra god consciousness good conciousness grace great liberation gunas guru hymns to shiva ignorance imagination initiation introverted itthaṁ jagadānanda japa jewel joy jñāni jñānendriyas karmamala karmayoga karuṇā kashmir kashmir shaivism katham kāma kāryatā knowledge krama krodha kshemaraja kula kundalini kṣemarāja’s spanda sandoha liberated liberation lord krsna lord mahādeva lord shiva lord shiva and parvati lord śiva love madhyamā magical jewel of devotion maha shivaratri mahānanda mala malas mana eva mantra mantra rahasyam masters maya mayiyamala māmanusmaran meditation meditation practice mind moksha mokṣa monism mudra na ca matsthāni nectar nijānanda nirānanda niṣkala one being one-pointedness pain para bhāva para prakāśa vapuṣaṁ para tattva parabhairava paramarthasara parānanda parātrīśikā vivarana paśya me yogam aiśvaram pathway pause-less effort perfect embrace power of illusion prabuddha yogi practical spirituality practice prakṛtis prakṛiti prasādaṁ prathamaḥ unmeṣa pratyabhijñā pravarteta vihāyānyan pravilaṅghya mohanīṁ māyām prayatna prāṇan prātibhā knowledge puruṣa puruṣa pūja rasa rājasic reality of self recitation recite rudra śāstras sacred shiva sutras sadāśiva sadhana sakala samadhi sangha sanskrit sarvakṣatrāṇāṁ sato vināśa sambandhāt sattvaguna sādhanās sāttvic saṁsāra second awakening secret supreme seven perceivers shaiva śāstras shaivite shaivite devotees shakti shaktipata shaktipata [grace] shavism shiva shiva sutra shiva sutra 1.1 shiva sutras shivastotravali sloka so ham soul spanda spanda karika spanda kārikā spanda sandoha special verses on practice spiritual path stages of mind stages of yoga state of bhairava stava cintāmaṇi stava cintāmaṇi stavecintamanii sthitilayau suffering sukha sunday puja supreme conciousness supreme devi supreme divinity supreme medium grace [tivramadhyashaktipata] sūtra svacchanda bhairava svacchanda tantra svachandanatha svatantrātma svatantrya swami lakshmanjoo swami vivekananda swamiji swamji sāttvic śāktopāya śloka śloka of śaṁbhu bhaṭṭārak tanmātras tantra tantraloka tantras tantrāloka tanū deśe tat prāsāda tattvas tattvas (elements) tāmasic the secret supreme the sixfold path of the universe third awakening thirty-six elements three states of awareness three states of subtle sound three upayas time trick of yoga trika triple awareness triśūla triśirobhairava tantra turya universe upāyas utpaladeva utpaladeva’s utpaladeva’s shivastotravali vaicitrya vasugupta vedanta vedāntic devotees vedās vijnana bhairava vijnana bhairava tantra vijñānavādins voidness vyāsa wheel of energies wisdom in kashmir shaivism with spanish translation world mental health day yada ekatra saṁrūḍha yamas and niyamas yattadātve yattadātve yoga in action yogi yogic exercises āhāra āhnika śiva sūtra vimarśinī ṣaḍadhvan
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