Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
The supreme consciousness is the reality of everything (Shiva Sutras 1.1)
The supreme consciousness is the reality of everything (Shiva Sutras 1.1) prathamaḥ unmeṣa shiva sutra 1.1 supreme conciousness Dec 14, 2023

Revealing this first verse of the Śiva Sūtra Vimarśinī, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains how
the supreme consciousness is the reality of everything“.

Prathamaḥ unmeṣa

First Awakening

Now Śiva sūtras will be explained here.

tatra prathamaṁ nareśvarabhedavādi pratipākṣyeṇa caitanyaparamārthataḥ śiva eva viśvasya ātmā iti ādiśati-

First, at first he exposes here that the reality of the universe is Self, it is not false. The reality of the universe is the real Self. And it is contrary to the...

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