Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
How a realized master should act (in Kashmir Shaivism)
How a realized master should act (in Kashmir Shaivism) bhagavad gita kashmir shaivism parabhairava pūja Sep 16, 2024
How a realized master should act is revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo in this Kashmir Shaivism recension of Abhinavagupta's Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, Chapter Three…


DVD 3.1 (1:00:58)

यशचातमरतिरेव सयादातमतृपतशच मानवः 

आतमनयेव च सनतुषटसतसय कारयं न विदयते  ॥॥

yascatmaratireva syadatmatrptasca manavah /

atmanyeva ca santustastasya karyam na vidyate //17//

And that person who is, on the contrary, atma ratireva, who is focused in his...

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