Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - The Secret Supreme
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - The Secret Supreme kashmir shaivism mala Dec 21, 2023

Chapter Seven

The Three Impurities


In our Śaiva system, there are three males or impurities. These malas reside in māyā. They do not reside in svātantrya śakti. Even though svātantrya śakti and māyā are one, yet they are different in the sense that svātantrya śakti is that state of energy which can produce the power of going down and coming up again, both at will, whereas māyā will only give you the strength of going down and not the ability of rising up again. Once you hav...

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