Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is liberation in Kashmir Shaivism (Tantraloka)
What is liberation in Kashmir Shaivism (Tantraloka) abhinavagupta’s tantraloka karmamala liberation malas mayiyamala mokṣa svatantrātma śloka Dec 09, 2024

In this excerpt from The Light on Tantra in Kashmir Shaivism, Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka, Volume One, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals the nature of liberation (mokṣa).


B) The nature of Liberation – Mokṣa (31–35)

Now the thirty-first [śloka]:

Audio 2 – 0:02

स्वतन्त्रात्मातिरिक्तस्तु तुच्छोऽतुच्छोऽपि कश्चन।
न मोक्षो नाम तन्नास्य पृथङ्नामापि गृह्यते॥३१॥

svatantrātmātiriktastu tuccho’tuccho’pi kaścana /
na mokṣo nāma tannāsya pṛthaṅnāmāpi gṛhyate //31//

Now, he explain...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is the real purpose of meditation in Kashmir Shaivism
What is the real purpose of meditation in Kashmir Shaivism abhinavagupta’s tantraloka meditation soul May 13, 2024
In this excerpt from Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka 14, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals what the real purpose of meditation is.
JOHN: So then, when a person meditates what should be his thought? You say the thought should not be “that I’m going to gain something that I don’t already have.”

SWAMIJI: No, go on meditating and go in giving training, treatment, to your mind for gaining onepointedness. That is all. You have to gain onepointedness with this treatment. And when once you hav...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - Tantraloka
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - Tantraloka abhinavagupta’s tantraloka kashmir shaivism malas Dec 21, 2023

In this excerpt from Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains what Malas (Impurities) really are in Kashmir Shaivism.

“This mala is very subtle. . . . Mala is neither formless nor with form.
It is just ignorance . . . It doesn’t allow knowledge to function, knowledge is stopped.  Mala is absence of knowledge. Mala is not something substantial.

So this absence of knowledge takes place only by ignorance, and that ignorance is mala. Otherwise there is no mala, mala is not existing...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is bindu? Bindu and its meaning in Kashmir Shaivism
What is bindu? Bindu and its meaning in Kashmir Shaivism abhinavagupta’s tantraloka bindu kashmir shaivism Jul 24, 2023

An excerpt from Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka, 8th Āhnika, about the highest point—bindu—and it’s meaning in Kashmir Shaivism. The contents of this blog post are copyright protect and may not be used without the written permission of the owner.

Painting by Claudia Dose, used with permission of the artist.

 ūrdhve bindvāvṛitirdīptā
tatra padmaṁ śaśiprabham /
śāntyatītaḥ śivastatra
tacchaktyutsaṅgabhūṣitaḥ  // 377 //

Ūrdhve bindvāvṛitirdīptā, above Sadāśiva, above the element of Sadāśiva there

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