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Universal Shaiva Fellowship

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The importance of "active" effort in meditation according to Kashmir Shaivism

In this important excerpt from the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening (verse 5 of the First Awakening), Swami Lakshmanjoo explains the importance of “active” effort, it is “That effort (the flashing forth of active awareness) that instantaneously makes universal consciousness shine.” [This is...

Meditating on the wheel of energies in Kashmir Shaivism

In this excerpt from the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening, Swamiji explains the 6th sloka. “Now, in the next sūtra, the author explains how, by the intensity of meditation (parāmarśa), the external state of dualistic consciousness is absorbed in non-dualistic consciousness.”… “By establish...

How to find God Consciousness in the daily routine of life

A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principle known as spanda which means vibrationless/vibration or established stable movement. In Shaivism there are two texts that deal specifically with the spanda principal. The Spanda Karika (precise philosophical sta...

Why the cycle of the universe is Lord Shiva's energy (Bodhapañcadaśikā verse 6-8)

Swamiji explains to us how and why Lord Shiva disconnects Himself from His energy and yet is never disconnected from it at the same time. This is from the Bodhapañcadaśikā by Abhinavagupta, who wrote the “15 verses of wisdom” for ‘those dear devotees who are not intellectually inclined”. This p...

Why maya (illusion) is actually svatantrya (freedom) in Kashmir Shaivism

In this important excerpt from The Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism – Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa’s Stava Cintamani, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains why, in Kashmir Shaivism, māyā (illusion) is really svātantrya (freedom).   Audio 4 (45:26) यस्याः प्राप्येत पर्यन्त-विशेषः कैर्मन...

What is consciousness in Kashmir Shaivism

“The light of Consciousness is not only pure Consciousness”, and Swami Lakshmanjoo explains why this is so in this excerpt from the book Self Realization in Kashmir Shaivism, The Oral Teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo. This is from Chapter Three; Entrance into the Supreme Reality. This is a good b...

The treasure of all śāstras is existing in the first śloka of Spanda Kārikā

This is an excerpt from the Spanda Sandoha, an exposition of Kṣemarāja on the first verse of the Spanda Kārikā written by Vasuguptanātha, revealed to us by Swami Lakshmanjoo. Available now as a complete set under the title The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism: Vasugupta’s Sp...

Why Lord Shiva has created this universe, which is Shakti, His supreme energy? (Bodhapañcadaśikā v5)

In this excerpt, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals “Why Lord Shiva has created this universe, which is Shakti, His supreme energy?” This lecture is from the Bodhapañcadaśikā [15 verses of wisdom], verse 5.    Bodhapañcadaśikā [15 verses of wisdom] तस्यैवैषा परा देवी स्वरूपामर्शनोत्सुका । पूर्णत्व...

The Essence of Mantra it's connection with Kundalini in Kashmir Shaivism

Swamiji reveals what is the real essence of mantra in Kashmir Shaivism, and how mantras are one with Mother (Kundalini), who is one with Lord Shiva, and how to awaken the divine mother. This is an excerpt from the second awakening, verse number 3 (Shiva Sutras 2.3).book: Shiva Sutras, The Suprem...

The Schools and systems of Kashmir Shaivism

Kashmir Shaivism is known as the Pure Trika System. The word trika means “the threefold science of man and his world.” "Trika system is meant for any human being, without the restriction of caste, creed or color." ~Swami Lakshmanjoo In this excerpt from the book Kashmir Shaivism, The Secret Sup...

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